Cash Gifts
Donating directly to the Brightspire Foundation via cash, check, or online is a convenient form of giving and is deductible for federal income tax purposes, assuming deductions are itemized.
Make an online donation by clicking here.
Checks may be made payable to Brightspire Foundation or The Presbyterian Homes Foundation, Inc. and mailed to:
Marisa Ray
Director of Development
Brightspire Foundation
2109 Sandy Ridge Rd.
Colfax, NC 27235
If your gift is made in honor or memory of a loved one, please provide this information. In addition, if your gift is to benefit a specific community, please note this on the check.
Using your QCD (Qualified Charitable Distribution) from your IRA
If you are 70½ or older, you may donate as much as $105,000 directly from an IRA to a charity. Follow the links below for information on giving to the community of your choice via your QCD.
Gifts of Appreciated Securities
Gifts of appreciated securities may be made by contacting Marisa Ray, Director of Development at (336) 886-6553 ext. 5118 or Please reach out to our office before making any transfers of stock. Your tax deduction will be determined by the market value on the date of your gift. Gifting appreciated securities to the Foundation may allow you to avoid capital gains tax.
Other Gifts
The Foundation may consider other types of gifts including tangible personal property, in-kind gifts, and gifts of real estate. Please contact our offices to discuss next steps.